The Coolest Science and Tech Discoveries of 2021

Despite societal shifts that have impacted nearly every aspect of our lives, scientists have kept discovering, innovating and ensuring the world keeps moving forward. This relentless ingenuity has led us to impressive achievements in life science research, technology, and the convergence of these disciplines. 

Here are some of the coolest discoveries you may have missed.

1- Graphene: The Most Valuable Nanomaterial 

At one atom thick, Graphene is the thinnest compound known to man. Did we mention it’s also 200 times stronger than steel? Graphene has the ability to change the capacity, and longevity of batteries (by 10 fold!), which will effectively make sustainable technologies such as electric vehicles and solar panels much more viable in the future.

2- Xenobots: Scientists Build the First-Ever Living Robots that can Reproduce

Xenobots, assembled in a petri dish from frog stem cells, are the first ever self-replicating living “robots”. They are referred to as robots since they are programmable. Xenobots hold the shape of a miniature pac-man, and can walk, swim and reproduce. Researchers are predicting these findings will have major implications for regenerative medicine.

3- New Alzheimer’s Treatment Improves Patients’ Cognitive Abilities

Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS), is a new non-invasive treatment for Alzheimer's that creates brain stimulation by using a pulsed magnetic field. Patients that receive this treatment have found significant benefits in brain plasticity and motor functions. This has been deemed as a major breakthrough for a disease which impacts over half a million Canadians.

4- Video Games can Bridge the Gender Gap in STEM

A new study from University of Toronto researchers confirms, low participation of women in STEM, is a result of nurture, rather than nature. They suggest using interactive learning tools like video games at a young age, to bridge the gender gap. Video games teach motor, perception, forward-planning, and problem-solving skills. Although women have higher enrollment rates in universities, they still only make up 18% of STEM students, and 24% of STEM occupations. 

5- Biomaterial that can Repair Hearts, Muscles, and Vocal chords

Scientists from McGill University developed a synthetic tissue tough enough to repair muscles and organs including the heart, and vocal cords. The innovation represents a major advancement in regenerative medicine, and opens avenues for other applications like drug delivery, and tissue engineering.

6- Researchers are Studying Cells with Virtual Reality

Researchers are now using virtual reality technology to study gene expressions. The ability to view these complex structures in a three dimensional space allows scientists to perform complex analysis that would have otherwise been impossible with 2D visualization programs. There are several companies currently developing different versions and software packages designed to be used with VR goggles. 

7- 'Speech Neuroprosthesis' Restores Words to Man with Paralysis

Researchers at UC San Francisco have enabled a man with severe paralysis to communicate. The technology, built on more than a decade of research, fully decodes words from the brain and has it appear as text on a screen. Though this achievement was part of a small trial, the technology could give a voice to the thousands of people who lose the ability to communicate every year.

8- It’s An Exciting Time for Mars Science

Scientists recently discovered that stable water was once present on Mars in a region called Arabia Terra. They were able to do so by using remote sensing equipment and satellites. Meanwhile, NASA’s Mars Rover discovered previously unknown organic molecules. New technology is enabling Mars scientists to study the big red planet at levels that are comparable to ways we've been able to study Earth.